Pvc Floor Tile installation and Cleaning Guide

To our Valued Customer

Thank you for buying our eco-friendly high-quality PVC interlocking floor tile.

Below is a detailed guideline on how to do a perfect installation for your DIY guide. We recommend you buy an extra 5 to 7% to cater for waste on cuttings, you can increase this percentage if there are a lot of corners.

Before you start your installation have the following tools ready:

[interactive_banner banner_title=”Steel Ruler” banner_image=”id^1127|url^https://klikflor.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Steel-ruler.jpg|caption^null|alt^null|title^Steel ruler|description^null” banner_bg_color=”#0071bc” banner_overlay_bg_color=”rgba(36,36,36,0.39)”]
[interactive_banner banner_title=”Hammer” banner_desc=”Hammer used for floor, tile, marble installation, furniture design” banner_image=”id^1121|url^https://klikflor.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Hammer.jpg|caption^null|alt^Hammer|title^Hammer|description^null” banner_bg_color=”#0071bc” banner_overlay_bg_color=”rgba(36,36,36,0.39)”]
[interactive_banner banner_title=”Stanley-Razor Knife” banner_image=”id^1126|url^https://klikflor.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Stanley-Razor-Knife.png|caption^null|alt^null|title^Stanley-Razor Knife|description^null” banner_bg_color=”#0071bc” banner_overlay_bg_color=”rgba(36,36,36,0.39)”]
[interactive_banner banner_title=”Small Container” banner_desc=”container floors play a major role in PVC floor installation.” banner_image=”id^1124|url^https://klikflor.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Small-container.jpg|caption^null|alt^Small container|title^Small container|description^null” banner_bg_color=”#0071bc” banner_overlay_bg_color=”rgba(36,36,36,0.39)”]
[interactive_banner banner_title=”Square Set” banner_image=”id^1125|url^https://klikflor.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Square-set.jpg|caption^null|alt^Square set|title^Square set|description^null” banner_bg_color=”#0071bc” banner_overlay_bg_color=”rgba(36,36,36,0.39)”]
[interactive_banner banner_title=”Steel Scraper” banner_desc=”If you are using glue you need a steel scrapper to be able to easily spread your glue” banner_image=”id^1129|url^https://klikflor.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Steel-scraper.jpg|caption^null|alt^null|title^Steel scraper|description^null” banner_bg_color=”#0071bc” banner_overlay_bg_color=”rgba(36,36,36,0.39)”]

Stages of the installation process

  1. Prepare your floor to make sure the ground is even and clean
  2. The ideal start is to pick a center of the area that needs installation. An example if it is a 10m area, the center is 5m, the first tile should be placed there.
  3. Place your first tile on the center and put 2 more tiles, one sideway,s and one in front to create a 90-degree angle, and put a square to make sure it is not skewed.
  4. Leave a 3mm gap from the walls to allow for expansion when it is warm/hot
  5. The ideal installation for an area where glue application is needed is to finish installation include cuttings before you apply glue.
  6. Do your installation sideways and then going forward locking them tight using a hammer, your gapes on the sideways should be equal and you can do your cuttings using your razor or Stanley knife.
  7. After finishing your cuttings of the installation, you can start the glue application process as follows. Please note that our tiles are so flexible that any shape can be made from cuttings including curves.
  • If you are using Glue, the perfect Glue to use for normal household or in areas where traffic is low would be A660, and where it’s outdoor and traffic is heavy the ideal is A658.
  • Because the Glue is a two-part one where you mix them together 6 liters to 1 liter, you can mix in your container and make sure it’s well stirred
  • Please note this glue is quick to dry out, make sure ONLY open when you are ready to use it and you also need gloves when applying it, never allow your skin to be exposed to the glue.
  • Remove your installed tiles and start applying the glue for the whole section that will cover the first tin/container using the steel scraper to spread along.
  • Allow for about 3-5 minutes to ensure the glue is not wet and settled and can now stick. Please note do not allow the glue to stay long before you hammer the tiles down on the glue as the glue can easily dry out and lose its adhesive capabilities. This process is repeated until the whole area is completed.
  • In areas where there is very low traffic like offices, kitchens, and other areas you can install the tiles without glue, we recommend putting glue on the edges to ensure firmness.

How to clean interlocking Pvc Tiles

When cleaning your Pvc gym floor tiles, Pvc workshop floor tiles, Garage Pvc interlocking tiles, ensure you have the following items.

  • Bucket of water
  • Broom
  • Mop
  • Handy Andy
  1. First, you need to remove residue dirty that you can easily pick and see using a broom. Because of the coin surface, it might take a bit of time to broom the area. The perfect equipment to use would be an air blower which is quite pricier but will save time and Labour in the long run.
  2. When the area is clean from debris, you can mix your water with Handy Andy cleaning detergent. Please ensure not to use excessive concentration to avoid leaving detergent residue on the floor.
  3. You can mop around the area using a mop, on larger areas it will be ideal to use a rotary scrubber dryer. Ensure you do not use excessive water on the mop as this will make your cleaning harder in-order to dry the area, we recommend you use a damp mopping system
  4. Ensure the floor is completely dry when done
  5. We recommend once every month you can use normal engine oil to polish your floor area and give the original shining surface. We also encourage one to use damp oiling and not use excessive oils, make sure the floor is as dry and free of oil after application.

For any inquiries visit our website on www.klikflor.co.za or contact our sales team on sales@klikflor.co.za or call us on our landline 087 821 1101